Am I Happy?
If there is any sadness I make a strong effort to be free of it quickly,
otherwise it grows like a vine in the rainy season: by midday I will be
confused; by evening a whole jungle of weak, wasteful and negative
attitudes will have taken deep roots in my mind. The result equals
chaos. Sometimes I reach a stage where the attitude is: "So what if I
feel the blues today? It is my life; no one else will be affected".
Firstly, the more I allow myself to experience sorrow, the less time I
have available to be happy and contented. It sounds ridiculously
obvious, but am I aware of the value of happiness? It is an extremely
rare commodity, and the cost goes sky high. Secondly, is it my life?
Yes, I am living it, but am I not a member of a family or a co-worker
with others, and am I not part of society? If so, then every movement
affects and is affected by those around me.
An Ancient Peace
is a silence into which the world cannot intrude. There is an ancient
peace you carry in your heart and have not lost. There is a love you
have missed for so long and will always come back to.
Anger is an acid that does more harm to the vessel in which it is stored rather than to the person on whom it is poured.
root of suffering is attachment. You have created a space in your
mind that holds a person or object as part of you. When that person or
object is criticized, neglected or not with you, you feel pain in your
mind and you experience a sense of loss. If you want to be happy, you
must learn to love and appreciate while remaining independent.
Becoming a Peacemaker
first lesson on the path of becoming a peacemaker is to stop being at
war with myself. It is only when the turbulence of my mind ceases that I
can begin to make peace with the world.
Belief Power
If you are ready to alter some of the current outcomes in your life then
you will need to start with your beliefs. There are many categories.
First there are 'fatal beliefs' - "I can't, I'm not able, I never will."
These are the beliefs we have about ourselves, that set the boundaries
and limitations of ourselves. Then there are 'blocker beliefs' - "My kid
is boss is an idiot...did you see that crazy person?" These
are beliefs about others and, for however long they last, they block
the flow of energy in a relationship. They are bricks in the walls we
build between each other. Then there are 'survival beliefs' - "Get what
you can while you can....there is not enough to go have to
look after number one." These beliefs would have us live in fear and
anxiety, otherwise known as insecurity. We can choose our beliefs. But
first we may have to unchoose the ones that have crept in over the
years, now living comfortably 'below stairs' and seem to be part of our
inner furniture. If you want different outcomes in your life, change
your beliefs first. Clean up down stairs!!
Best of Friends
The best kind of friend is the kind, you can sit on a porch and swing
with, never say a word, and then walk away, feeling like it was the best
conversation you've ever had.
Everyday is a
celebration because instead of waiting for happy endings, we open our
eyes to the wonder of life, to see the humour and magic in each moment.
Delighted in the way things turn out, amazed at the beauty of it all.
A fearless soul learns to adjust, understanding that change is the only constant in our lives.
Change Myself First
is no greater teacher than one's own practical example. To be really
benevolent therefore means that I must first change, then I have the
power, the knowledge and the experience of thinking and doing for the
ultimate benefit of all.
Chasing Shadows
To race after limited name, respect and honour means to chase after a shadow.
Consult your Conscience
consult your conscience: sit quietly and calm the mind, allow peace
to fill your heart and then place a question before your conscience,
your innate wisdom.
Then let go and listen for a
response. Be patient and there will be a response; often when you
have stopped wanting it and when you least expect it!
is perhaps one of the least recognised but most valuable of human
virtues. So, for a person to be co-operative means for them to have a
quiet eye for what is needed to bring success, and to supply it (and no
more)at the right time, in the right place and then to be off. Someone
who co-operates, offers their services and then splashes their name on
the achievement is not co-operative. It requires invisibility and
precision to do and then to go without waiting for results. It also
takes a discerning eye to see exactly what is needed, to be removed
sufficiently from your own approach to a task and just to contribute one
ingredient. Sometimes not even an idea but, however clever you may
consider yourself to be, just a hand, a support.
Co-operation Through the Mind
Never come into conflict with anyone's personality traits, but harmonise
personality traits. Even if someone else causes a disturbance, just
remain silent. You must not create any complications, but instead give
them the co-operation of peace.
Dealing With Difficult Situations
difficult situations come your way, instead of becoming disturbed or
confused, observe all the situations just as you would observe a game or
watch a play. Then instead of feeling stuck you'll be able to enjoy the
different turns that the situation takes.
Decorate Your Life
You will stop being ordinary when you decorate your life with divinity and spirituality.
Determination and Patience
is the strength that will enable you to pass the barrier of useless
thoughts in order to create positive thoughts and to be successful in
whatever you wish. It comes from within and its partner is patience.
Patience teaches you not to push but rather to wait and appreciate the
game of life instead, knowing that nothing remains the same, and
everything will change at some point.
Diamond Consciousness
you look at the world through your physical eyes, you will see all the
facets of our diversity: culture, race, personality, religion and so on.
Seeing only through your physical eyes, it is easy to become stubborn
and to try to prove yourself right. However where there is stubbornness
there is no love. And trying to prove the self right is equally
offensive. A diamond will sparkle even in the dust; you do not ever need
to prove that you are right. In the face of the dangers that come from
seeing only with the physical eyes, always think: now is the time to go
beyond all divisions, beyond all that limits us and our sense of self.
Whatever the race, the religion, the class - our consciousness now has
to go beyond all of that.
With the good wishes and drops of co-operation from everyone, even the biggest tasks of all will become easy.
Easy Nature
When there is a light and easy nature, it is easy to be a friend to all.
Enjoy Moments of Silence
When your open your eyes in the morning, sit for a moment and appreciate
the gift of a new day, create a peaceful thought and enjoy some moments
of silence throughout the whole day.
Enrichment and Progress
When we have an attitude of learning from every interaction with others we experience personal enrichment and progress.
Eternal Star
is a part of you that is perfect and pure. It is untouched by the
less-than-perfect characteristics you have acquired by living in a less
than perfect world. This part of you is a still and eternal star. Make
time to reach it and this will bring you untold benefit.
Every Action Is Recorded
you do, so you become. Every action that you perform is recorded in
you, the soul. These imprints ultimately mould your character and
destiny. When you understand this principle, you will pay more attention
to bringing your best to everything you do.
Exercise and Diet
lifestyles are rooted in the mind and seeded in the soul. The
spiritual exercise of the mind involves taking the mind out of the
physical body and to the subtle body of light and then to our state of
being a soul - a sentient point of light and power. As for diet
control, pure thoughts are the healthy diet for the mind. Creative
thoughts are like vitamins and positive thoughts provide proteins that
build will power.
Do not hide the treasures in your heart in fear that they will be stolen - instead share them and find they multiply.
If I limit the love I give to just one or two, it will eventually go
stale. If I learn to create love inside my heart and silently give it to
everyone I meet, love will grace every corner of my life.
You are a soul who does not wait for happy endings, but creates them with the power of a generous heart.
Give Happiness
souls take advantage of every moment and every opportunity to give
happiness to others through kindness in their thoughts; such souls are
willing to overlook weaknesses and mistakes and have the desire to help
everyone reach their potential.
habits, never give in or we lose our dignity. With the self, never
give up or we lose our destiny. With others never give your worst or
you will never develop your best. The saying, "What we give is what we
receive". The lesson: Just to give.
Give Up the Habit of Worrying
we grow in strength in our spiritual life, we give up the habit of
worrying. It serves no purpose other than to make us feel tense and
miserable. When I stop fretting about things that are beyond my control
and focus instead on generating optimistic and kind thoughts, my life
can begin to flow in ever more positive directions. Such a light and
easy approach to life enables me to take everything in my stride.
Good Wishes
Giving good wishes to others acts like sunlight, filtering into the dark corners of their mind and lightening their burden.
Great Donor
Become a great donor and generous hearted. Donate good wishes at every second and in every thought.
Greatest Powers
Gentleness, love, humility, forgiveness are the greatest powers in the world.
Great Wealth
Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great wealth.
Hard Nut
Under the hardest shell, is a person who wants to be appreciated and loved.
is the art of living, the purpose of our existence. Happiness is the
true index of quality of life. Without happiness, life is dry and
meaningless. With happiness, life immediately becomes fulfilling and
wonderful. Happiness is an infectious feeling that immediately lifts the
sagging spirits of people. Happy people keep themselves happy because
they know the little ways to appreciate themselves and to see the humour
and magic in each moment.
Happy Heart
You have a happy heart that can pump humour into any situation.
Higher Than the Sky
wearing virtues as your ornaments. Keep loving others. Keep giving
regard. You have to go beyond the stars. Keep thoughts higher than the
sky, and abundance of patience like the earth. Keep spiritual love in
your eyes.
How Not to Get Tired
It's not
busy-ness in life that makes us tired. It's thinking too much that makes
us tired. How not to get tired? Don't get distracted, get upset or get
too 'lost' in anything or anyone. Don't think too much about the work.
Just do it! Then your mind will stay rested whilst you work.
can we serve others around us? By making our lives inspirational and
interacting with tact and wisdom. We should be so cheerful, and our
lives such examples, that they say 'Here is an angel.'
Interfere Lovefully
of the deepest habits we learn is interfering in others' lives. Even
if we are not actively interfering there is a good chance it's
happening in our heads. Then, when people don't do what we want them to
do, which is usually all the time, our ability to relax is non
existent. If you want to interfere successfully in someone else's life,
try this loveful approach. It begins with acceptance, continues with
acknowledgement, is empowered by appreciation and ends in actualisation.
Only in this way can we help others be all that they can possibly be,
and what else is life for, but to help others to be all that they can
be. Only by making love practical in this way, can we heal our own
habits of criticism, envy and blame. Accept, acknowledge and appreciate.
It doesn't mean you have to agree, comply or condone. The paradox is
that we ourselves will receive the same in the process, not only from
ourselves, as we become what we give, but from others along the way.
Why? It's the law!
ability to enjoy one's own company is one of the greatest gifts life
has to offer. Learning to turn my thoughts away from all my
responsibilities at the day's end and take my mind into a state of
peace and benevolence enables me to carry greater and greater loads
without feeling the burden. When my inner landscape is full of
beautiful thoughts, everything I do is a pleasure. Gently, I calm down
chaotic situations and offer solace to troubled minds.
Keep Your Vision Clear
If you miss an opportunity, do not cloud your eyes with tears; keep your vision clear so that you will not miss the next one.
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Lasting Fragrance
lightly upon this earth, seeing, understanding but never imposing.
Thoughtful, independent, be gracious in victory and defeat. Free of
possessiveness, so ease of mind sweetens relationships. Like the scent
of a rose the untroubled spirit imparts a lasting fragrance.
Like A Star
the end of the day, on the wings of your thoughts, go beyond the
cares and troubles of the world. Remove your mind from everything and
everyone, and become blissfully detached, like a star.
a star, be free to radiate light, for your essence is light and
peace. Enjoy the simplicity of the night sky, the peace. And then,
when you want to, you can shoot down to earth.
Look For Goodness
everything, goodness is there, our goal is to find it. In every person,
the best is there, our job is to recognise it. In every situation, the
positive is there, our opportunity is to see it. In every problem, the
solution is there, our responsibility is to provide it. In every
setback, the success is there, our adventure is to discover it. In every
crisis, the reason is there, our challenge is to understand it. By
seeing the goodness, we'll be very enthusiastic and our lives will be
Lucky Day
Forget mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day.
Magic Carpet
are like a magic carpet, on which the soul rides across eternity. Rest
for the spirit (which is what we are) is when we allow only the current
of the purest thoughts to flow through our mind - thoughts which carry
good wishes and blessings for ourselves and others. This is not so much
going with the flow, as being in the flow, and refreshed by the flow.
For when we have powerful, positive thoughts for and about others, who
experiences them first?
A person
of wisdom and spirituality has very beautiful manners that have grown
from genuine respect and love for the whole of humanity. Manners in this
sense have nothing to do with culture or education: it is simply a
question of humility. When we are at the receiving end of such manners,
we feel that some deeper part of us has been honoured. In fact, none of
us deserves anything less.
Meditation is not complicated. It is simply a means of teaching your mind to think in the right way.
is the process of getting to know yourself completely, both who you
are inside and how you react to what is outside. Above all, meditation
is enjoying yourself in the literal sense of the word. Through
meditation, you discover a very different "me" from perhaps the
stressed or troubled person, who may seem superficially to be "me". You
realize that your true nature, the real you, is actually very positive.
You begin to discover an ocean of peace right on your doorstep.
Moving Mountains
faith that can move mountains needs three ingredients to work: belief
in yourself, belief in others, and the ability to draw on your inner
No Worries
When we worry, we
make problems bigger than they really are. Instead of worrying, accept
whatever you have no control over, prepare wherever you can and choose
happiness instead of worry!
Only the Best
You bring out the best in others, because you see the best in others.
Patience is a reflection of the peaceful mind. My peaceful mind is able
to cope with all situations without becoming disturbed and agitated. It
calmly accepts the resolution of circumstances and, with this patience
acquires the power to deal with all situations.
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind comes not from wanting to change others, but by simply accepting them as they are.
Plant The Seed Of Peace
our thought so is our consciousness, and as is our consciousness so
is our life. Let your first thought of the day simply be peaceful.
Plant this seed. Water it with attention and you will gather the calm.
Power Of Blessings
The power of blessings changes the fire of adverse situations into water.
Power to Tolerate
tolerate does not mean to die, but to live in everyone's heart with
love. No natter how much against you someone is, even if you have to
tolerate not once but ten times, nevertheless, the fruit of the power of
tolerance is imperishable and sweet.
Precious Gifts
More valuable than the things we give to each other are the gifts of
virtues we pass on quietly to others through our selfless and noble
actions. These gifts are truly precious because they are imperishable
and they multiply the more we share them.
Pure Love
we obey the principle of pure love, our life will always go in the
right direction. Altruistic and unconditional love is pure and comes
from our inner truth. When we are obedient to that inner truth, our life
becomes a joyful dance.
Quality Thinking
The quality of thought creates the quality of life.
feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and
re-establish friendship and relationships. Good feelings are generated
in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected
through your eyes and smile. Smiling opens the heart and a glance can
make miracles happen.
Because you recognise that everyone is of unique value, you give regard to every soul by never comparing it to another.
Response Able
now know that the true meaning of responsibility is response able or
ability to respond. Whatever we may think, say, do, or feel - these are
our responses for which we, and no one else, are responsible. This is
easy to see but hard to live, for we have been taught to believe and
think the opposite. So we don't consciously choose our response, we
react instead, and then we blame others for our reaction. No wonder we
feel imprisoned by others and our circumstances. The enlightened, on the
other hand, have broken the spell, they see the illusion. They take
full responsibility for their response abilities and as a consequence,
they always hold their own destiny in their own hands. They are free
Rich Person
A rich person is not someone who has more, but someone who desires less.
Send Peace
call of time is to send thoughts of peace and power to the world. Your
thoughts travel, moving at a great speed and with considerable impact.
Let the thought of peace sit in your mind,knowing that the vibes from
your thoughts can radiate out and touch any person, any place." ~Thought
for Today
Sense of Humour
Steer easily through life by keeping a light touch on the controls, and a strong sense of humour.
Silence Is Gold
speech is silver, silence is gold. When you must speak, speak a few
words, speak sweetly and softly. That is the way to reach a listener's
Simplicity and Royalty
great beauty in simplicity. It's not plainness, however it is plain in
the sense that words and actions are enacted with great royalty, full
awareness and with so much significance. Simplicity takes us away from
artificialities, it simply accepts and in that acceptance shows us grace
and humility in every circumstance.
Special Soul
You are a special soul who easily destroys obstacles with the generosity of your overflowing heart.
Spiritual Love
as a kite flies high, held only by a string, our intellect can rise to
the heights of wisdom, pulled only by the thread of spiritual love."
Spiritual Progress
is benefit for you in every situation. If, that is, you know how to
look for it. The idea behind steady spiritual progress is to see every
circumstance and situation (particularly those that challenge you) as a
tailor-made lesson in your personal plan for self-development. For
example, in a situation where hurtful or angry words were exchanged, why
not see it as the chance either to perceive things about your own
character which need changing or to rehearse some virtue or quality that
you need to put into practice more often? Actually, we should be
grateful for the opportunity to evaluate ourselves. In this way you can
transform anything into a constructive lesson. Never think that you've
learned enough and now can stop. You should love it when people try to
correct you or give you advice. It keeps you alert and gives you plenty
of opportunity to put your truth into practice. It's a sign of great
danger to be unable to accept criticism and instead use your
understanding to criticise others. Realise deeply the significance of
every moment, and your spiritual progress will be assured.
Spirituality in Daily Life
is not a luxury, something for people who have nothing else to do but
sit around and meditate. In fact, it is the lack of spirituality in
daily life that is causing the breakdown and destruction of our planet
and our civilisation. As we restore spirituality we can find methods
of working together to create better selves and a better world. Thus we
can see, looking at our global relationships, that spirituality is an
integral part of life.
Spiritually Solvent
If you value your thoughts and use them as carefully as you use money, you will never find yourself spiritually bankrupt.
Start Early
best time to awaken both body and spirit is in the early morning. We
are fresh, in solitude, and the vibrations of the world are at their
calmest. It is not surprising that you will find all experienced
meditators and yogis up with the dawn, inviting the sun of spirit to
shine into the heart of their soul. The first half hour of conscious
awareness will be the foundation of your day. Make an early start.
Meditate, set the switch of your consciousness and calibrate your energy
for the day. You'll be surprised the difference it makes.
Steady Light of Hope
No matter how dark the situation, let me always hold on to the steady light of hope.
Summer's End
it's a time of abundance, to enjoy the summer sun, flowers and fruits
... but, summer, like everything else, doesn't last forever. If summer
was forever, all the energy and potential would reach its limits and
inertia would set in. And so slowly but surely, the cycle turns;
everything moves on. Everything has it's own time; it's own season.
Remember, the end of something good, means the start of something also
good. All you have to do is be connected and in tune with the natural
flow of nature's energies.
The Beauty Within
You see behind the masks and beneath the fears to the beauty within every heart.
The Colour of Flowers
worries aside and you will be surprised by the beauty of the sky and
the colour of flowers, of the freshness of the breeze and the generosity
of the sun. You will feel you are part of creation, and life will start
to make sense. The greatest wealth is to appreciate what we have and
what we are.
The Diet of an Angel
By feeding your mind a diet of elevated thoughts, you grow up to become an angel.
The Final Analysis
are often unreasonable, self-centred: Forgive them anyway. If you are
Honest, People may cheat you, but be Honest anyway. What you spend
years to build, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway. The good
you do today, People will often forget tomorrow. Do Good anyway. You
see, in the final analysis it is between you and God; it never was
between you and them anyway.
The Quality of Mercy
person with the quality of mercy works on such a subtle level that the
support given never demeans or implies weakness in the other person.
The Secret Ingredient
we're cooking, our minds are working. When we're stirring and rolling
and baking, we're thinking. Thinking creates vibrations because
that's what thoughts do. The vibrations affect both the food and the
people who eat the food.
So, cook with care; pay
attention to what you are thinking; and don't forget that in the best
of recipes, love is the secret ingredient.
The Virtue of Sweetness
as eating and serving something sweet makes your taste buds feel
sweetness, and for a while after, you become sweet-natured yourself so
that words filled with sweetness are constantly spoken. Such sweet
words make both you and others happy. Use this method to always sweeten
everyone's mouth; constantly maintain sweet attitude, sweet words and
sweet actions.
Consider time to be a great treasure. Never waste a second.
Timeless Beauty
Learn to go beyond words into silence, sit with your innermost self and experience the nourishing, timeless beauty of peace.
Think less
Economise on your thoughts and you will automatically save your time and words.
Thoughts Words and Actions
gap between what you say and what you do, between what you promise and
what you deliver, is like a drain in the road. The drain is where water
escapes, just as your power will seep away if there is a difference
between your words and your actions. Ask yourself everyday, were your
thoughts, words and actions aligned? Ask someone else what they saw in
you too. Feedback is the food of all positive change.
Totally Happy
heart is full and open. Flowing with pure good feelings and good wishes
for everyone. I follow my spontaneous instinct to give and I am totally
Tread Lightly
Tread lightly upon
this earth, seeing, understanding but never imposing. Thoughtful,
independent, be gracious in victory and defeat. Free of possessiveness,
so ease of mind sweetens relationships. Like the scent of a rose the
untroubled spirit imparts a lasting fragrance.
True Greatness
The one who can adjust to any situation with humility possesses true greatness.
True Peace
peace can be experienced only when we stop giving and taking sorrow. In
order not to give sorrow we need a clear heart that has no ill
feelings and for not taking sorrow we need a big heart that can tolerate
and help other souls to get over their weaknesses.
Trust Yourself
any relationship trust is the first thing to leave and the last to
return. And if you recognise that the most important relationship is
with yourself, then perhaps it's time to start some trust building close
to home. Make and keep a promise or a commitment to yourself, however
small - in fact, start very small! Make one and keep one today, and then
notice the surge of inner power as a result. See how much more you like
yourself as a result. Trust is being built.
The more I develop the habit of noticing goodness, the more my own sense of well- being rises.
Your Vision
someone's feeling low, you can help them restore their self-belief by
keeping a firm, clear vision of their goodness and what makes them
special. Increase their self value by letting your vision be drawn to
the diamonds (their specialities), rather than any stones (their
defects). Take a gentle encouraging approach and never give up on
12 years ago